COVID-19 Vaccination in Maine

Maine is committed to an accessible, flexible, and equitable vaccination effort.  

Due to limited vaccine supply, our vaccination strategy has two immediate goals:

  1. Save the lives of Maine people at greatest risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19.
  2. Protect those directly engaged in the fight against COVID-19.

Once vaccine supply increases, Maine will offer vaccination to everyone as soon as possible.

To learn more about this process and when you can expect your COVID-19 vaccination, please consult our FAQs and Latest Updates.


Cumulative reported vaccinations


First Doses


Second Doses


Last updated 1-29-2021

View Maine’s COVID-19 vaccination dashboard

When can I get vaccinated?

Due to the limits on vaccine supply, Maine is using a phased approach to providing vaccines. While vaccination is planned to proceed consecutively through the groups and phases below, flexibility in order is expected to ensure Maine maximizes every dose it receives. 

Illustration of doctor's with calendar

Maine is currently in Phase 1a.

Given the limited supply, only Maine residents may receive a vaccine in Maine at this time.

Phase 1a: December through January
  • Health Care Personnel Needed to Preserve Critical Health Care Services
  • Residents and Staff of Long-Term Care Facilities
  • Other Patient-Facing Health Care Personnel
  • Public Safety Personnel
  • COVID-19 Response Personnel
Phase 1b: February through April
  • Older Mainers
  • Adults of all Ages With High-Risk Medical Conditions
  • Certain Critical Front Line Workers
Phase 1c: May and June
  • Other Critical Frontline Workers
Phase 2: June and Beyond
  • Persons aged 16-64 not otherwise eligible in an prior phase.

Read detailed descriptions of each phase to determine when you are eligible for vaccination.

How to get a vaccination

Phase 1a

Health care, public safety, and critical COVID-19 infrastructure personnel eligible for vaccination in Phase 1a should contact their employer or their professional associations to learn how to get a vaccine. 

Phase 1b

People age 70 and over may begin getting vaccinated now, subject to vaccine availability and health system readiness.  A list of COVID-19 vaccination sites for people 70 and over is now available here. Additional sites will be added as vaccinations are scheduled.

Vaccination information for other Phase 1b groups, including Maine people aged 65-69, will be posted here once available.

Phases 1c and 2

Vaccination information for all other people eligible in future phases will be posted here as soon as it is available. 

Information for the public

Although the vaccine is here, COVID-19 remains a serious public health crisis. While the vaccination process is underway, Maine people should continue to wear masks (PDF), practice physical distancing and avoid gatherings at all times.

Information for vaccinators

Maine CDC is working to ensure the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine in Maine. These resources are available to assist and inform you about Maine’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts, and will be updated regularly.